1. Pay Using Community First Bank Online Banking (No Fee) by registering for online banking.
  2. Transfer funds from another Financial Institution (No Fee)
  3. Mail your payment (Cost of postage)
  4. Make a One-time monthly payment with a Debit or Credit Card (3% of payment fee applies)
    You can make your Community First Bank loan payment online using any Visa or Mastercard debit or credit card (a 3% of payment fee applies). This fee helps to cover transactional costs incurred. If you would like to avoid a fee, please consider the three No Fee payment options listed above.

How to pay with a debit or credit card:

  1. Review the debit/credit card payment disclosure below.
  2. Click “PAY NOW” below and pay your monthly loan payment online anytime, 24/7. (Note: Your payment will authorize immediately on your card, and post to your Community First Bank loan within 2 business days).

Debit/Credit card payment disclosure:

By clicking “PAY NOW” I understand that I am submitting an online payment to the Community First Bank loan I herein specify, and I agree to the following:

  • This payment method includes a maximum payment amount of $3000.00.
  • I authorize Community First Bank to initiate a charge on my debit or credit card in the amount I request, plus a fee of 3% of the payment amount.
  • I acknowledge that I am responsible for entering the correct payment amount and Community First Bank account number and that Community First bank may rely wholly upon the information I provide.
  • There is a sufficient balance on my debit or credit card to pay the requested payment plus the fee, and agree that Community First Bank is not liable for any overdraft or insufficient funds charges (including, but not limited to, NSF Fees or finance charges) caused by my failure to maintain funds sufficient to pay the payment amount I request.
  • I understand that the holder of my credit or debit card may charge cash advance fees for this transaction, and it is my responsibility to be aware of and to pay any such applicable fees.
  • I understand that the online payment will be authorized immediately on my card, and subsequently credited to my Community First Bank loan within 2 business days.

